
We offer great paper range shooting targets at an affordable price. A lot of shooters don't put a lot of thought into their personal shooting targets. They figure that a silhouette target or any other target they pack in their range bag will do the job. Heck, some shooters don't worry about paper range shooting targets at all. The price is right, as far as they're concerned; they just pick up any junk or discarded paper shooting targets at the range and plink at those. We offer high-quality paper shooting targets for sale at great prices. Read on to learn more.


Targets To Take Your Gun Game To The Next Level

Serious shooters, though, require something a little more when it comes to their personal training shooting targets, silhouette targets, or any other targets they pack in their gear. We offer precision paper range shooting targets at great, competitive prices. These include large targets that let you adjust your scope settings and test the loads of your ammunition.


Precision Shooting Targets and Range Bag Targets

Our precision shooting silhouette targets are used for training and entertainment purposes only.  They're generously marked with the grid patterns you need to adjust your long-distance firearms with precision accuracy. But paper range shooting targets aren't just for "work." A good paper shooting target at a reasonable price is also something you can use for, as we said, entertainment.


Targets You Can Trust

After all, what is more entertaining than a day spent plinking away at paper shooting targets? You have your choice of paper targets, your choice of silhouette, your choice of ranges... what is better than to get truly good with your firearm while shooting the paper targets of your choice? Plus, when you're done, you have a visual record. Your shooting targets will always testify to that day's shooting session. This is one of the reason paper targets are so great.


Targets You Need

When you shop with us, you get great targets at a great price. Your personal information is always protected in our billing system, because we take great pains to protect that personal information. Our privacy policy is very explicit and meant to protect you (more on our use of your personal information below). 


Targets At Reasonable Prices

Buying your targets from us at a reasonable price means getting great paper targets that you can use for shooting, scope adjustment, and anything else you need. Our targets are made right here in the USA. We put a lot of time and effort into everything we do, including paper targets, because if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.


Targets Of All Types

Targets can take lots of forms. Your targets are usually a matter of personal preference. Maybe you need precision targets. Maybe you just want fun targets. Maybe you need tactical targets. The target you choose, and the target you shoot, depends on what you're doing with your guns. When you buy targets from us, rest assured that your personal information is protected by our privacy policy. But then, we did promise to say more about the personal information and privacy policy, didn't we?


Your Personal Information Is Safe With Us

Weirdly, one of the things we hear most about from our customers is to ask how we use their personal information. Our privacy policy is iron clad. Your personal information will never be shared with an outside entity. This is more important than ever in an time when gun owners are increasingly targeted by anti-gun, anti-shooting groups for harassment and worse.


For this reason, you never have to worry about your personal information. Any personal information, including shipping and billing information, is completely secure. When you buy your paper targets, gun cleaning mats, and other accessories from Cerus Gear, you're shopping with fellow shooters who love guns and who support the Second Amendment. We will never misuse your personal information. We will never abuse your personal information. We will never share your personal information. That personal information is safe with us, in other words, so shop for paper targets at a reasonable price and with total confidence.


About Cerus Gear

Cerus Gear was founded by shooters for shooters. We felt like gun cleaning and maintenance mats could be better so we set out to do that. First, we make our ProMats in the USA and still keep them at an affordable price. Second, we wanted to make mats that were accurate and easy to read. We wanted you to be able to tell if you are looking at a rod or a spring! 


Finally, we love our country and what our country was founded on. That patriotism and love of God and country is in the heart of each gun cleaning mat and all the other accessories we make (including paper targets and other gear). We want to share that with you and unite to keep this country great!

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